Advanced Legal Analysis and Strategies for Bar Preparation
Twinette L. Johnson and Marcia A. Goldsmith
The goal of Advanced Legal Analysis and Strategies for Bar Preparation is to present a comprehensive and holistic approach to bar exam study and test taking. This unique approach will provide instructors and students with one source that simultaneously provides the two necessary aspects of bar exam preparation: (1) an exploration and discussion of the skills associated with bar study strategies and techniques; and (2) actual bar exam practice questions to use in applying these study strategies and techniques. This textbook may be used as a guide or resource for law school academic support and bar preparation professionals whether their schools’ curriculum includes a bar prep course or not. The book may also be used or adapted for repeat bar exam takers.
Learning Criminal Procedure: Investigations
Ric Simmons and Renee Hutchins
Learning Criminal Procedure: Investigations teaches students the law that governs the investigation of criminal cases. The book presents the legal rules directly in plain language. Each topic includes a clear, straightforward description of the binding legal rules, illustrations of how the rules are applied using examples and summaries of cases, and longer excerpts of the leading Supreme Court cases. The book highlights evolving or ambiguous areas of the law, and provides scores of review questions so that students can test their mastery of each issue. The book's authors build on their combined decades of practical experience to explain the law in plain language and explore the policy justifications behind the rules.
Learning Criminal Procedure: Adjudication
Ric Simmons and Renee McDonalds Hutchins
Learning Criminal Procedure: Adjudication teaches students the law that governs the “bail to jail” process of criminal prosecutions. It draws on both the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and Supreme Court case law to present clear, succinct rules for each topic and summaries of actual cases to illustrate how the rules operate in practice. Each topic includes a clear, straightforward description of the binding legal rules, illustrations of how the rules are applied using examples and summaries of cases, and longer excerpts of the leading Supreme Court cases. The book highlights evolving or ambiguous areas of the law, and provides scores of review questions so that students can test their mastery of each issue. The book's authors build on their combined decades of practical experience to explain the law in plain language and explore the policy justifications behind the rules.
En La Encrucijada: Pensamientos y Reflexiones
Rafael Cox Alomar
Encrucijada es un concepto idóneo para describir la situación actual de Puerto Rico. Rafael Cox Alomar demuestra en este provocador libro ser un observador muy atento del devenir político del País, a la vez que puede darle a estos eventos un significado más amplio al ubicarlos en una comprensión de la realidad caribeña y de los procesos de descolonización. El autor integra un compromiso político incuestionable con una sólida formación intelectual, lo cual le imprime profundidad analítica a sus planteamientos. También nos convoca a pensar al País en su inquietante situación contemporánea, no para lamentarnos por los complejos retos que enfrentamos, sino para poder avizorar el rumbo político que será necesario tomar para enfrentar esos retos. Rafael Cox Alomar hace patente a la vez su vocación de servicio al País y su gran capacidad analítica.
English Translation:
Encrucijada is an ideal concept to describe the current situation in Puerto Rico. Rafael Cox Alomar demonstrates in this provocative book that he is a very attentive observer of the country's political evolution, at the same time that he can give these events a broader meaning by locating them in an understanding of the Caribbean reality and the processes of decolonization. The author integrates an unquestionable political commitment with a solid intellectual formation, which gives analytical depth to his approaches. It also calls us to think about the country in its disturbing contemporary situation, not to lament the complex challenges we face, but to be able to envision the political course that will be necessary to take to face those challenges. Rafael Cox Alomar shows both his vocation to serve the Country and his great analytical capacity.
Academic Freedom at American Universities: Constitutional Rights, Professional Norms and Contractual Duties
Philip Lee
This book details the legal and historical development of institutional and professorial academic freedoms to better understand the relationship between these concepts. While some judges and scholars have focused on the divergence of these protections, this book articulates an aligned theory that brings both the professorial and institutional theories together. It argues that while constitutionally based academic freedom does its job in protecting both public and private universities from excessive state interference, or at the very least it asks the right questions, it is inadequate because it fails to protect many individual professors in the same way. This solution entails using contract law to fill in the gaps that constitutional law leaves open in regard to protecting individual professors.
Contract law is an effective alternative to constitutional law for three reasons. First, unlike constitutional law, it covers professors at both public and private universities. Second, it allows for the consideration of the custom and usage of the academic community as either express or implied contract terms in resolving disputes between universities and professors. Third, contract law enables courts to structure remedies that take into account the specific campus contexts that give rise to various disputes instead of crafting broad remedies that may ill fit certain campus environments.
The proposed reconceptualization of academic freedom merges constitutional protection for institutions and contractual protection for individual professors. This combined approach would provide a more comprehensive framework than is currently available under the predominantly constitutional paradigm of academic freedom. -
Revisiting the Transatlantic Triangle: The Constitutional Decolonization of the Eastern Caribbean
Rafael Cox Alomar
Revisiting the Transatlantic Caribbean constitutes a comprehensive study of the decisive 5-year period, spanning between 1962 and 1967, which witnessed the unfolding of an intense decolonization dialogue between Britain and its far-flung Eastern Caribbean possessions at the height of the Cold War.
The Legal Rights of Handicapped Persons: Cases, Materials, and Text. 1983 Supplement
Robert L. Burgdorf and Patrick P. Spicer
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