
University of the District of Columbia Law Review


Jeanne Charn


In November 2010, the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law hosted the fourth Bellow Scholar Workshop and subsequently published the work of two Bellow Scholars in Volume 16 of the UDC Law Review.1 I was privileged to contribute a foreword to Volume 16 in which I commented on thelegacy of my late husband, Gary Bellow, and offered a brief narrative of the origins of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Clinical Section's Bellow Scholar program.2 Most of the earliest Bellow Scholars had worked with Gary or had taken his courses. We understood that we could best honor his legacy by building "a capacityfor rigorous analysis and investigation, carried out in a community of activists willing to learn from each other and from other disciplines."3Our goal was to better understand and address significant problems in the lives of low- and moderate-income people.4 We expected that we would also critically examine both the content and methods of our teaching and the learning goals we pursued in our clinics.

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