Most Recent Additions*
2024 Campaign Questionnaire
The UB Bronfein Family Law Clinic, Margaret E. Johnson, and Marcy L. Karin
Not Even a Federal Judge Can Make Texas Protect Kids
Patrick Michels and Matthew Fraidin
It's Time for Employers to Address Menopause, Experts Say
Anne Cullen and Marcy Karin
Shelley Broderick: For Two Years DC Leaders Sat On A Plan to Improve Public Safety
Katherine Broderick
Understanding Bias in Civil Procedure: Towards An Empirical Analysis of Procedural Rule-Making's Role in Continuing Inequality
Masai McDougall
The Scarlet Letter "E": How Tenancy Screening Policies Exacerbate Housing Inequity for Evicted Black Women
Yvette N.A. Pappoe
10 Ways Colleges Can Diversify After Affirmative Action
Richard D. Kahlenberg and John C. Brittain
Holding U.S. Corporations Accountable: The Convergence of U.S. International Tax Policy and Human Rights
Jacqueline Lainez Flanagan
Securing Relief From Joint and Several Liability - Section 6015
Jacqueline Lainez Flanagan
Direct Cash Transfers and Tax Policy: Reporting Cash Transfers for Maximum Benefit to the Recipients
Jacqueline Lainez Flanigan
DACA's Tax Benefits Highlight the Need for Broader Immigration Reform
Jacqueline Lainez Flanagan
*Updated as of 03/13/25.