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U. Tol. L. Rev.


FOR ten years I have had the honor and the privilege to serve as dean of the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law (UDC-DCSL), a diverse and progressive law school bent on training advocates for justice. I was delighted to accept when Dean Douglas Ray of the University of Toledo College of Law invited me to write about our unique mission and curriculum and our extraordinary cadre of social justice-driven faculty, staff, and administrators who have stayed the course through a stormy history to deliver a very different law school experience to a very different group of students. UDC-DCSL’s mission has remained fundamentally the same even as historical and statutory requirements have evolved over twenty-six years. In 1972, Edgar S. and Jean Camper Cahn1 established the Antioch School of Law, “dedicated to opening the legal profession to women, minorities, and others from groups traditionally under represented at the bar.”2 Antioch trained public interest lawyers by immersing law students in a pioneering and comprehensive program of clinical legal education based on the medical school model, in which students learn through supervised practice in UDC-DCSL’s legal clinics throughout each year of law school.